The Pschorr brewery's tent has a difficult reset behind it and still has to figure out what it is.

The Bräurosl is one of the large tents of the Munich Oktoberfest. Existing since 1901, the tent today offers 6490 seats on the inside and 1760 in the beer garden.

The Bräurosl tent is named after a legendary daughter of the Pschorr family, who was known to drink her maß beer every evening on horseback in the brewery and hereby deeply impressing the brewers with her appearance. She is also the motif of the picture, high above the entrance.

The Bräurosl was established in 1901, being the first tent to be illuminated electrically. In 1913, it was the largest beer tent ever built for the Oktoberfest, seating up to 12000 guests. In 2022, the tent received a new building and new hosts as the Heide family quit the tent after 83 years.

Crowd and atmosphere

Formerly known for a very young crowd and non-traditional music, the tent was trying to become a little more traditional in 2022. Therefore, Ludwig-Thoma-Musikanten, who have been the tent's band since 1972, were replaced by the very renowned Blaskapelle Josef Menzl, is known for its wild Bavarian beer hall music. Unfortunately, Hacker-Pschorr didn't give the new band enough time to win over a new, more traditional crowd and started using a party band for the evenings after only five days.

In 2024 Menzl's band will be replaced by Karolinenfelder and the party band Volxxbeat will be used for the evenings on the oversized stage.

On the first Sunday, the Bräurosl is usually closed for overcrowding, as it’s packed with gays. Also, the subsequent Monday became very popular within the gay community in recent years.

Reservations 2025

Reservations can be requested sometime in spring on the tent's website. In 2024, the Sundays, as well as the holiday, were available.