A quiet tent for champaign tourists with a strange menu and an unfriendly attitude towards walk-ins. Mostly older German tourists in twinkling dresses.

In 2014, the establishment of the Marstall buried the 111-year-old Hippodrom after its host lost his license due to tax evasion. As its name suggests, the Marstall is mostly designed after its predecessor. It even cites the extraordinary art nouveau façade from 1985. However, its colors and heart-shaped windows leave a rather kitschy impression. The inside of the tent resembles a Nordic, clear and plain design featuring fewer decoration elements than the other, more baroque tents. The menu is rather expensive and offers several very unusual dishes like prawns instead of traditional ones.

In search of a new identity for the not-so-busy afternoon, the tent changed its afternoon band numerous times already. An even bigger change awaits came in 2022 – at least superficially. The Münchner Zwietracht, who first played in the Hippodrom in 1994 will be replaced by Königlich Bayerisches Vollgasorchester. However, as the new band was founded by three former Zwietracht members, you can expect more of the same. By the way, Zwietracht means discord in German… For the first time in 2024, the music already starts at 11am.

Targeting an older, well-situated crowd, the atmosphere is very calm before 9 p.m. when the tent becomes a discotheque. Although rarely overcrowded, the tent is mostly closed during the evenings to enable bouncers to reject undesired guests. If you want to get in there, refrain from wearing costumes or funny hats.

Reservations 2024

The tent started accepting reservation requests on May 10th via its reservation form offering all afternoons. Since its inauguration, the tent regularly made the news with its unfriendly reservation policies and most likely motivated the city to do several changes to its regulations. The innkeepers had issues with outrageous reservation and shipping fees, mandatory menus and inexplicably high prices of such.