Munich's oldest brewery has the by far most traditional tent with wooden barrels, traditional music. Many regulars who worship it like a cult.

For the last couple of decades, zeitgeist didn't mean much to the Augustiner brewery. Not only is it the only major brewery in Munich that still transports its precious product to the Theresienwiese in wooden barrels, but time also seems to have stood still in many respects in the brewery's Oktoberfest tent. The tent's current appearance dates back to 1926. In 2010, a 30-metre-high tower was even erected again, which had not been rebuilt after the war and now serves as a barrel store. The interior of the Augustiner tent also impresses with its consistency.

The interior of the tent was renovated in 2014. Toilets were renovated, entrances were relocated, double rows were added in the central nave and the rear gallery was extended by an (almost) functionless semicircle. Fortunately, a completely new sound system was installed in the tent in 2015. In 2024, the rear gallery was slightly redesigned so that it can be partially used as a brewery balcony.

Atmosphere and Music

The tent is already very well filled at midday, largely with regular guests listening to the sounds of alpine and concert brass music. The exuberant yet down-to-earth atmosphere has the great advantage that even in the evening hours, it is still possible to find a place to sit that has not yet been converted into a dance floor. And this despite the fact that the Augustiner tent is one of the most popular - it is considered by many to be the only tent that is still a real Oktoberfest tent and not a pop disco.

Unfortunately, the band, which used to be known for a high proportion of Bavarian-language songs and had many pieces in its program that were not (or no longer) played elsewhere, has strongly adapted to the arbitrariness of the other tents in recent years. After eight, Anglo-Saxon pop dominates, so much so that even Taylor Swift has now been included in the repertoire. At least there is still a relatively large amount of brass band music played in the early evening.

A special feature is that at weekends and on public holidays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., alternating youth brass bands are used in addition to the Reinhard Hagitte festival band. In 2019, the festival band was given a new stage.

Kitchen and Menu

Manfred Vollmer has been running the Augustinerzelt since 1988. Just a few years ago, we criticized the Augustinerzelt for its expensive menu, especially the sometimes unattractive lunch offers. After several zero rounds, this picture has now changed. In recent years, all prices except for chicken and beer have only risen moderately. Even in 2022, not all dishes were made more expensive. Unfortunately, there is still a gap on the menu between the inexpensive snacks and the high-priced dishes. The inexpensive children's dishes are exemplary. In 2024, the Augustinerbrauerei will be serving non-alcoholic beer for the first time.

Reservations 2024

Reservations are often not even offered to new customers. Reservations for the Augustiner tent are not usually requested in the reservation form, but are passed on. Remaining places are often allocated at the beginning of September in the office at Neuhauser Straße 27. In 2023, however, reservations for the last two Sundays, the public holiday and even a Wednesday evening were exceptionally activated in the reservation form on July 10. In 2024, however, no reservations were posted publicly at all.