Follow the Oktoberfest construction 2023 with our regularly updated photo galleries.

Following the record construction time for the Oktoberfest 2022, when the Bräurosl tent was allowed to start as early as 18 weeks before the tapping of the first keg, we're back to the length of ten weeks, as we were used it to before 2019.

Starting July 10th, the big tents are allowed to set up their buildings. Depending on the construction phase, up to 2000 workers work at the Theresienwiese.

Unfortunately, the construction site has been fenced off since 2014. We’ll provide you with new construction photos on a regular basis.

When does the Oktoberfest Construction begin in 2023?

The construction is separated into multiple phases to prevent separate construction sites from blocking each other. This is this year's timetable:

July 10Big tents of the Oktoberfest
July 31Big tents of the Oide Wiesn
August 14Small tents
August 23Roller coasters, Ferris wheels, water rides
August 30Bumper cars, ghost trains, flat rides, other attractions
September 4All other showmen businesses
September 7Stalls
September 8Stalls at the pillars (mostly almond stalls)
September 13Bread stalls