Two renovated large tents and four new rides await us in 2018.

Re-decoration of the Winzerer Fahndl

It’s easy to mock one of the most unimposing Oktoberfest tents going to be re-decorated only seven years after its last reconstruction. It’s even easier if this tent is the Paulaner-Festzelt, as the brewery wasn’t always lucky when building or redesigning their restaurants in the city. Also the Nockherberg, which has often been objurgated for its gymnasium-like aesthetics, was redesigned in 2017 and 2018 only a few years after its reconstruction.

The Winzerer Fahndl started a mutation to a Schlager disco beginning in 2015 when a showband, a light show and stage fog have been introduced. The redesign does however not change the fact, that façade is one of the most unimposing of the Oktoberfest.

Renovation of the Schottehamel tent

Apropos Schlager disco: The Schottenhamel tent will receive another modernization in 2018 after the gentle and mostly well-done redesign in 2016. Its host Christian Schottenhamel, who was also renovating his new acquisition, the aforementioned Nockherberg, wants to present an even more comfortable beer tent to his guests. In line with the current zeitgeist, its galleries will receive their own toilets and tap stations. Additionally, the façade received a very subtle, favorable touch-up-

Four new rides

The Oktoberfest 2018 also offers four, at least to some extent, new rides. The Dschungelcamp (Temple of Adventure) is a fun house replacing the Amazonas fun house. Fahrenschon’s Wellenflieger, which was new last year will be replace by the same type of ride owned by Lechner. A carousel that premiered twenty years ago will return after a long hiatus including a redesign under the name Predator. The Chaos Pendel is a completely new type of swing ride and will celebrate its premiere at this year’s Oktoberfest. Last year’s new rides Drifting Coaster and Voodoo Jumper won’t return in 2018.

The Olympia-Looping rollercoaster will present a completely new LED-lighting.